Valencia CF17 February 2019

Neto: "We needed to win, but the result is what it is"

The goalkeeper talked to the media after the final whistle at Mestalla

Goalkeeper Neto Murara played through the pain of a broken finger to keep a clean sheet against RCD Espanyol, but he was disappointed at the final result of the Matchday 24 game. The Brazilian spoke after the final whistle, and lamented his side missing out on a victory that they deserved on the balance of play.

"It's a pity, because we needed to win. Just like in the last game, we missed out on the three points. It's a shame, but it is what it is. We have to keep working, keep believing and be intense. We can't afford to look back," he said.

"We wanted the win and we had chances to score, but the ball just wouldn't go in. There are things in football that don't have an explanation, and the situation is repeating itself for us, but we're showing that we want a different result."

"We're a side who should be higher up the table, and we're fighting for this, but the table is what it is," continued the goalkeeper, who also commented on his injury.

"Ever since I've arrived, I've always said that what I like most is playing, being on the pitch and participating in games. I've tried to get as far as I could, and as long as I'm fit to play, I'm always going to want to play."

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