Valencia CF18 February 2024

Baraja: "We did everything we had to do to win the game" 


The post-match press conference after the match against Sevilla FC

Valencia CF coach Rubén Baraja talked after the 0-0 draw with Sevilla FC in LaLiga.

Analysing the match

We lacked effectiveness, finishing and the final ball. I think we did everything we had to do to win the game. It was a more difficult match than it seemed. Sevilla are a team who are waiting for you to make mistakes, they run counterattacks well and from set pieces, they are also a tough team. The feeling I have is that the team put everything into winning. We just lacked finishing. There are days when you shoot twice and score two goals, and others when you have more control, you attack well, but don't score. That is the difference

Diego López

Diego is a player who gives us different things than the possibilities we have now, but we have to be able to overcome these types of situations. When someone is injured or has a bad run of form, the team have to be able to solve it.

Possible penalty waved off 

I haven't seen the action. I saw it quickly in the moment. It gives me the feeling that there was contact that was not with the shoulder. There was a jostle and the feeling is that Foulquier was not allowed to finish the action. It seemed like he was going to shoot. I can't evaluate it much more. A penalty wasn't called and it wasn't assessed as such. I think it is a clear action, but the referee did not see it that way. Other times he has been wrong in our favour. This can happen. Despite this, the team overcame everything today and performed at a high level.

Quique Sánchez Flores

I'm grateful for his words. He is a coach who has been in the elite for a long time and I think it is important that he values our work; not only mine, but also that of the coaching staff, that of the players, the energy they have, how they go for duels, how we competed in the game. He knows very well how the fans support you here. It's a pleasure to see him again, to greet him, and I hope he does well in the future.


He held up very well. The line of four played at a high level, both with and without the ball. José Luis Gayà also had several situations in which he went deeper and provided great danger. I remember an action in which Roman could have scored. We attacked well. Foulquier was good, he was very intense in defensive actions and then had quite a bit of talent bringing the ball out. He has helped us in two-on-one situations on the outside with the line of five. He attacked using a lot of sense, with a lot of order, when it had to be done. He played a good game. I liked the team as a whole.


I think that Sevilla, after what they saw in the match, the dominance we had and the pace of the match, I imagine they will be happy because it is a difficult situation for them and adding a point is important. I think we dominated the game and we lacked the finishing to win. They hardly generated any clear chances. I think we deserved much more.


There are moments in the season. There are times when you score a goal with very little, other times it has been difficult for us to get chances, and other times we have scored more goals. We have to live with this and, above all, think that for us any point is good, seeing what we saw today, seeing that the team compete, the players believe and push until the end... Our fans will leave with the sadness of not seeing the team win, but the team gave their all and pushed forward. It is a pity. We have to continue on our path. If we continue competing like today, we will keep taking points, which is the aim.

Feeling in the dressing room 

We would have liked the result to have been different and they also understand it that way. We have commented that the game was there for the taking and we didn't have the finishing we have seen in other games. They also know when they are at their best, and when they are not. When they are at their best, like today, and leave everything out there, they know that sometimes you score and sometimes you don't. The important thing is to generate opportunities. I want to have consistency. At Mestalla, we are doing very well, but away from home, we have had moments in which we are also doing well -and others in which we are not so good. Consistency is what puts you in a good position at the end of the season. We are at an important moment of the season, which is where things are decided and we are going to try to arrive in a good position to fight until the end.


He is performing at a high level and what I demand of him now is to try to keep that up in every game. Today the two centre-backs were at a high level and the objective is for them to continue being so in the rest of the games -or when they participate. I wouldn't like to single out anyone but rather praise the collective, the group, the team. It's everyone's job. It's just a shame that we didn't get the three points

Players wanting to play

It's commitment. Some of them were there last season when we suffered a lot. They want to be there, they want to push us on. That's positive. We know we need them all. We are much stronger with all the team available.

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