Valencia CF10 January 2023

Gattuso: "We can't make any mistakes against Real Madrid and must play with a good mentality and rhythm"

Press conference prior to Valencia CF-Real Madrid of the Spanish Supercopa

Gennaro Gattuso gave a press conference before Valencia CF’s game against Real Madrid in the first semifinal of the Spanish Supercopa.

Why did Ancelotti say that for personal reasons you no longer have a personal relationship?

It is not personal. When he coached at Napoli I started working, and the press started talking. I have a lot of respect for him and at this moment I have nothing to talk about in that respect. It's just a work problem. We have won a lot. He is one of the best coaches in the world. On a personal and footballing level I have a lot of respect for him.

How are the team doing after recent games?

It's not a good time for us. We come into this one from two totally different defeats, but we are lucky to play these types of games. We are playing against a team with a great mentality. Many Real Madrid players have won several Champions Leagues. We have nothing to lose. We have to prepare for the game and face it in the best way.

Have you spoken with the majority shareholder?

The club know what we have to do. At this time, we are looking at players that we can sign, but they must be in shape, able to play from the moment they arrive, and have played in their league. A player without match rhythm cannot come here. We are looking at players with minutes under their belt who can play here. I spoke yesterday with Peter Lim via Zoom. He told me that he couldn't come to the game. Peter knows that we are looking for a midfielder because with Nico's injury we have to do that.


Will Marcos André be available tomorrow?

Today he isn’t training with us. He worked in the gym this morning. He has knee problems and we will see about him tomorrow.

Do you have doubts about whether you can get things working?

When I look at the match against Cádiz, it's normal to have doubts. I have to improve the team tactically and technically. If a coach doesn't have doubts after a game like the one we had the other day, then he's crazy. Cádiz had two shots, but we did nothing. We were a team without desire, without rhythm and I have doubts.

In this moment of doubts, how important is it for the team to have character?

Anyone who plays professional sports is lucky, because three days later you have the chance to play again. In real life, if you fail you have to wait, whereas in sport you don't. If you have good energy you can turn things around very quickly. When I played I had it inside me, but as a coach I have to convince my team that it is possible. Everyone wants to play in tomorrow's game because we have nothing to lose. We are playing against a better team than us, but we can do it with energy and a good mentality.



What do you think your team will do better tomorrow?

I'm not sure. We can’t ever make mistakes. When you think you're dominating, Madrid can decide the game in one move. I think it could be a match in which we can’t make any mistakes, and must play with a good mentality and rhythm.

Could we see a change of tactics tomorrow?

I'd like to talk about this, but I'm not going to say today if I'm going to do something different. I have been watching the last few games and I think we have to do many things better, and also set up the team in the best way to suffer less.

How do you assess the Saudia Arabian league and what do you think of the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo?

Everyone thinks it's easy to play here and it's not. We saw that with the national team in the World Cup. We also see it in the Asian Cup and the Asian Champions League. With Cristiano Ronaldo you have been fortunate, because one of the best in the world has come here.

What is your mood like?

I have a face that, when things are not going well, I don't smile. I'm not going to come here with a smiley face and look like an idiot or a crazy person. The team are losing, I'm not happy and when I lose I have a bad expression. I don't like to lose and I don't like to see the team play like we did against Cádiz.


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